amy - "Just taking a break from hiking in the mountains of Nevada. More like really big hills. But still super fun. This was the view from my resting spot, before we found the canyon and the cliffs and caves. We had loads of fun! Can't wait to go back! "
emily - "packing... can you tell i'm terrible at it? last minute. as always. and i'm sure it will be filled with more than i need too"
jenny - "It finally rained (technically, for like an hour) so I could wear the rain boots betsy got me for my birthday (in may)! As for the picture i was bored in mendocino and looking down the stairwell on the fifth floor where my secret couch is."
kasey - "Had a bad day. My feet are hiding with me in the guest room while I play with my jewelry. Lifes got to get better eventually"
cute feet!:-*