Sunday, June 19, 2011

"let's do 52" - wk24

Yesterday, we quite possibly had one of the LARGEST recitals ever. In case this is your first time coming across the blog, let me fill you in on a few things. First off, Hello! Secondly, when I don't have my photographer "hat" on, I'm also a dance instructor for Joanna's Kids R It, the same dance studio I grew up at. This year's recital had a whopping 63 numbers, and after two weeks of extra rehearsals, we survived to tell the tale. I choreographed quite a few numbers for my classes this year, as well as taught my group of 18 little ones both songs I did for my very first recital back in 1993. It was quite a feat, but everything seemed to run pretty smoothly, and now it is time to be off for a week before we go back to get ready for our state fair performances at the end of July!

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