this weekend was pretty eventful for me (and my camera!)
saturday, it was said to be raining, so i got a hold of my favorite jenny, and convinced her to come play in the rain between her work shifts. and she did! she has those super cute rainboots too, which made her rainy day playing all the better :)

of course, we also had to do some intense puddle jumping (you can see the aftermath of it marked on her jeans) with a monsterous puddle on the corner of a fairly busy road. we were cold, she was soaked past her knees, but it was fun!
Sunday, i headed out to newcastle to photograph another friend from high school and her four-year-old horse. mind you, i've never photographed horses before, or have even been around one for a prolonged period of time. so this was DEFINITELY a new experience for me.

we shot all the photos on location at the ranch sam boards her horse at, and might i say, the opportunities were endless! if it weren't for a tired out horse, and my freezing fingers, we probably could have shot for hours! so, with that said... how did you spend YOUR weekend?